Hello there! πŸ––πŸ½

I’m Sagnik, I like to write code for the Web 🌐 And this is my coding journey, chronicled πŸ“š
I hope you benefit a little something from my posts ✨
Don’t hesitate to say hello! πŸ‘‹πŸ½

Kubernetes Deployment Status ☸️

Overview πŸ”­ Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration platform that allows developers to manage and deploy containerized applications. One of the challenges of managing Kubernetes deployments is keeping track of the deployment status and ensuring that the latest code changes have been deployed successfully. Purpose πŸš€ This package, k8s-deployment-status is available in Python. It retrieves commit details from a GitHub API endpoint and deployment timestamp from Kubernetes API. It encapsulates methods to interact with the APIs, handle retries, and extract relevant data from the API response....

June 19, 2023 Β· 2 min Β· saltgen